At Grace-Calvary, we look forward to enriching past traditions while we remain excited about new and different ways to learn from God and one another.
"The Chosen"
Bible Study
"The Chosen" meets each Sunday morning in the Parish Office Conference Room at 8:40am..
Join teachers Mary Fry & Gretchen Grant for the video from the contemporary series, "The Chosen,"
followed by discussion.
Bring your coffee cup! Coffee and a snack are provided.
All are welcome!
Adult Forum
The Adult Forum meets each Sunday morning in the Lectionary Room of St. Julian Hall at 11:30am.
Connie Post leads this class. She and fellow class members take turns leading lively discussions using current books by leading Christian authors and theologians. ​​​
On December 15, class members will share favorite poems of the season for the "Advent & Christmas Poetry Slam." this event marks the final class of 2024. Adult Forum will resume in January 2025.
The Lower School
Christian Formation Class
Our children meet in St. Julian Hall from 11:15-Noon. Their teacher is Holly White.
The Middle & Upper School Christian Formation Class
Our teens meet in St. Julian Hall from 11:15-Noon. Their teachers are Stephen & Hannah White.
​More opportunities
for Children & Youth