John Cantwell
Vestry, Senior Warden
Vestry and Leadership
Grace-Calvary Episcopal Church Vestry leads the parish in partnership with clergy. The Vestry governs in three primary capacities: fiduciary (budgets and buildings), strategic (long-range planning) and generative (providing wisdom, guidance and creative ideas for mission and ministries).
Vestry members, who represent the congregation in every area of decision making, are elected at the annual parish meeting held in December and serve staggered three-year terms. The Vestry meets monthly.
This body of spiritual leaders is currently led by:
John Cantwell, Senior Warden
Tim Williams, Junior Warden
Kerry Loudermilk, Treasurer
Bobby Aycock, Finance Chairperson
Additional Vestry: Kimberly Criser, Ryan Franklin, Mary Fry, Jaime Huffman, Rich Madrid, John McDaniel, Lane Meier, Connie Post, and Christine Ta
Christian Formation: tbd
Lay Pastoral Care: Kimberly Criser and Christina Ta
Parish Life: Nina Madrid
Worship: Sandy Robson and Tim Lytle
Buildings and Grounds: Rich Madrid
Cemetery: Charlé Statler
Outreach: tbd
Stewardship: John Cantwell
Finance: Kerry Loudermilk, Treasurer
Communications: Terri Todd
Newcomers : Colleen Williams