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Vestry, Senior Warden

Dolly Ritchie serves as Senior Warden for a second year on the Vestry. She originally was a member of Grace-Calvary from 1978 to 1995 before her career propelled her out of state. She returned to North Georgia in 2015 and reports one of the major factors of returning to north Georgia was her love for Grace-Calvary, its people and Habersham County. She serves on the Altar & Flower Guild, Finance Committee and is a lecturer and chalice bearer. She is a graduate of Brenau University with her master’s degree in Organization Development and Huntingdon College with her bachelor’s degree in social work & psychology.  She spent 40 years in Human Resources administration with Fortune 100 and in the healthcare industry. Upon retirement she garnered a certification in Executive Coaching from the Hudson Institute of Santa Barbara and her certification as a General/Civil Mediator, Juvenile Dependency & Delinquency, Divorce & Family Relations, Domestic Relations, and Domestic Violence. She currently travels an 11-county area for the 9th District Georgia Dispute Resolution Services. Dolly also serves as Chair of the Habersham County Authority Board. Dolly’s love for Grace-Calvary goes back 45 years to where she also served on the Vestry. She chaired a Search Committee in the ‘90’s and participated in the Education for Ministry Program (EFM.)

Vestry and Leadership

Grace-Calvary Episcopal Church Vestry leads the parish in partnership with clergy. The Vestry governs in three primary capacities: fiduciary (budgets and buildings), strategic (long-range planning) and generative (providing wisdom, guidance and creative ideas for mission and ministries).

Vestry members, who represent the congregation in every area of decision making, are elected at the annual parish meeting held in early February and serve staggered three-year terms. The Vestry meets monthly.

This body of spiritual leaders is currently led by:

Dolly Ritchie, Senior Warden

Tim Williams, Junior Warden

Kerry Loudermilk, Treasurer

Bobby Aycock, Finance Chairperson

Additional Vestry: John Cantwell, Kimberly Criser, Jaime Huffman, Rich Madrid,
Lane Meier, Connie Post, and Christine Ta 


Christian Formation: Holly White and Connie Post

Lay Pastoral Care: Kimberly Criser and Christina Ta

Parish Life: Barrie Aycock

Worship: Sandy Robson and Tim Lytle

Buildings and Grounds: Rich Madrid

Landscaping: Donell Willey

Cemetery: Charlé Statler

Outreach: Lane and Laura Meier

Stewardship: John Cantwell

Finance: Kerry Loudermilk, Treasurer

Communications: Terri Todd and Jennifer Boydstun

Newcomers : Colleen Williams

Rector Search: David Todd

Music: Dr. Mark Mentzer, Ph.D.


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