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Sermons from Grace-Calvary
We invite you to worship with us in person
on Sunday mornings at 8:00amd or 10:00am!
The 8:00am service is contemplative in style with times of reflection instead of music. The 10:00am service is traditional with piano and choir.
Can't make it in person?
Head over to our YouTube channel, News at Grace-Calvary.
In addition to our regular Sunday morning services, Grace-Calvary Episcopal Church
observes other special times of worship throughout the year:
Ash Wednesday Holy Communion
and Imposition of Ashes
Holy Week services on
Maundy Thursday, Good Friday,
and Easter Day
(Vigil at 7:00 a.m. and
Festival Eucharist at 10 a.m.)
The Day of Pentecost outdoor service
Blessing of the Animals is in October
All Saints
Christmas Eve, two services at
5pm (Family oriented) and
8pm (Candlelight)
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