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The Labyrinth

Take a prayerful walk through the labyrinth located in front of Saint Julian Hall.

 The labyrinth is a path of prayer to God that binds us to our spiritual ancestors and their pilgrimages through the ages.

Holy Cross Cemetery

Located on New Liberty Road

You may select from the following for more information:


Slowly, Slowly They Return
by Wendell Berry

"Slowly, slowly, they return
To the small woodland let alone:
Great trees, outspreading and upright,
Apostles of the living light.

Patient as stars, they build in air
Tier after tier a timbered choir,
Stout beams upholding weightless grace
Of song, a blessing on this place.

They stand in waiting all around,
Uprisings of their native ground,
Downcomings of the distant light;
They are the advent they await.

Receiving sun and giving shade,
Their life’s a benefaction made,
And is a benediction said
Over the living and the dead.

In fall their brightened leaves, released,
Fly down the wind, and we are pleased
To walk on radiance, amazed.
O light come down to earth, be praised!"

Saint Julian Hall
Adjacent to the church is this multi-use building for fellowship,
classes, outreach, and community use.

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